Why Vitamin C Is Part Of My Daily Routine

Vitamin C is very well known when it comes to fighting colds and fevers. It is one of the most essential vitamins that give the body strength and strengthens the immune system. However, its use is not limited only to medical purposes. Namely, the cosmetics and beauty industry has acknowledged the potential vitamin C has, especially when it comes to its benefits on the skin. Today, vitamin C can be found as the main ingredient in many different beauty products and treatments. Therefore, whenever you are looking to add some brightness and freshness to the face, vitamin c is the secret ingredient that will make a noticeable difference.  

Routine routine routine is essential in achieving youthful and healthy skin and preventing the signs of aging. Vitamin C with all its benefits and properties is ideal for all skin types and ages, so here is why you need to consider adding it to your routine.

Anti-aging properties 

One of the most popular benefits of vitamin c is that it helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The regular use of vitamin c or products rich in vitamin c will keep a youthful look on the face and the skin. 

Boost and supports collagen production

Connected to the anti-aging process is the production of collagen. Over time and due to the natural process of aging, the skin loses its elasticity as well as the production of collagen. As an antioxidant, vitamin C works in boosting this production and fills the lines and wrinkles on the skin. 

Reduces skin discoloration

The continuous and regular use of vitamin C helps achieve an even better complexion. It will regulate any redness and skin discoloration, as well as dark undereye circles, making the face look more rested and fresh. 

Sun-protection benefits

The use of vitamin C strengthens the skin, which makes it more resistant to harmful UVA and UVB rays. It will make the skin prone to sun damage, make it heal faster, and relieve the symptoms of burning and itching. 

Improves skin moisture and hydration

Vitamin C is a wonderful solution for dry and sensitive skin. it will improve the moisture content and hydration, and with regular use, it will reflect on the skin in a bright, glowy, and vibrant appearance. 

I apply vitamin C in the morning and night and here are a few of my favorites:


